
  • Status: committed


The primary mandate of the TROLIE project is defined by its Scope. Paramount to meeting that mandate is defining the TROLIE 1.0 API specification, yet this is a community specification and supporting the implementation and testing efforts of the community will inevitably identify deficiencies and gaps in the 1.0 spec.

The necessity of freezing the specification is self-evident, but it bears mentioning that implementors need an independent reference to develop against and to mediate interop debugging.

Therefore, the TROLIE project needs a versioning strategy, a plan for updating the specification after the 1.0.0 version is declared, that is, after the spec is published as 1.0.0. “Versioning” in this context is the method by which a web API exposes updated functionality to clients. Typical methods of versioning a web API include:

  • URL versioning where new or updated functionality is accessible by using a different URL.
  • Parameter-driven versioning where a header or query parameters are provided by the client to make use of new or updated functionality.
  • Configuration-driven versioning where the version of the API provided to the client is determined by out-of-band configuration on the server.
  • Media type versioning where the schemas and semantics of individual request and response messages have versions associated.

Today, SemVer is used ubiquitously to nominate iterations in the functionality exposed by software, including web APIs. In particular, the major.minor.patch semantics of SemVer are essentially:

  • major increments imply breaking changes
  • minor increments imply non-breaking changes that add functionality
  • patch increments imply bug fixes that are non-breaking changes

As an Open API specification, the difference between breaking and non-breaking changes come down to the syntax and semantics of the operations defined by the TROLIE spec.

TROLIE 1.0 is a two-sided contract: Some are implementing clients for use by Ratings Providers; some are implementing server for use by Clearinghouse Providers; and some are implementing both, such as in Clearinghouse-to-Clearinghouse communications. Accordingly, we must understand breaking changes from all these perspectives. It is anticipated that some TROLIE implementations will partially adopt the TROLIE 1.0 specification. For example, a vendor may only choose to implement the Forecasting operations, or two adjacent Transmission Owners might choose to only share seasonal ratings.

Enabling this kind of a la carte use of the specification by the community is desirable, and a Conformance program to provide clarity on what is implemented by various vendors was part of the project’s original charter, with the goal of supporting incremental conformance; not every feature will be supported in every implementation, and incremental conformance is about ensuring that parts that are implemented have an unambiguous specification that can be verified with automated tests.


The TROLIE 1.0 project will manage versioning at two levels: the operation binding information and the valid request/response messages for those operations. The binding information includes the HTTP verb, path, and query parameters for each operation, whereas the project uses media types to explicitly define the valid request/response messages.

Adopt SemVer

The overall TROLIE API version will follow SemVer. Operation binding information changes will be assessed to determine their impact, and the TROLIE API version will be updated accordingly. Note this decision is being made in the context of the TROLIE 1.0 Working Group Scope, so there will be no breaking changes posited once 1.0.0 is declared. Accordingly, no binding information will be removed or renamed, and no request/response messages will have breaking changes.

In particular, none of operations defined under 1.0.0 will be removed, and any additional operations or additional query parameters added to the existing operations will result in a minor version change, e.g., 1.1.0. However, there will only be one valid TROLIE 1.0 specification; the publishing of 1.1.0 will supersede and deprecate 1.0.0. The intent with the minor update is to signal to the community during the implementation and validation phase that additional functionality has been specified.

Media Type Versions

Media types will be versioned separately but will only have major versions. Changes to media types that would constitute a patch change under SemVer will not be recorded in the media type name itself. However, every non-breaking change to a media type–both minor and patch–will be considered a patch revision of the overall TROLIE 1.0 API, i.e.,

Note that minor revisions to a media type itself would include adding an optional property, whereas adding a required property would constitute a breaking change from the server’s perspective. Since the patch version of the TROLIE 1.0 API will be updated with minor revisions to media types, there is no need to version the media type name itself.

If a breaking change in a media type is necessary to satisfy the TROLIE 1.0 Scope, after 1.0.0 is declared, a new major version of that media type will be nominated. Adding a new major version of a media type without removing the older version is not a breaking change to the spec itself, since server implementors may choose which operations they support. Thus, adding a new media type to the TROLIE 1.0 API version would have a minor version increment, i.e.,

“Bug Fixes” are a patch

There may be some breaking changes permitted during the implementation and validation phase after 1.0.0 is declared. Development of the Conformance tests are underway, and we anticipate the those tests and/or implementations have the potential to clarify requirements that would be best be met by introducing a breaking change. Since 1.0.0 signals that the Scope of the specification is considered to be satisfied, we would consider breaking changes only for “bug fixes”.

For example, if a property is obviously required in an exchange, but it is not formally required in the spec due to an error of omission, we would make it required and increment the patch version, i.e., Another example of a “bug fix” would be a spelling error or a property rename that results in better uniformity without impacting semantics. The logic here is that these are bugs in the specification and implementations would not have committed to that error. The point is the spec is meant to serve the implementors, not the other way around; interop is the goal, not blind conformance.

This may seem like playing fast and loose with the prescribed SemVer versioning strategy, but these bugs in the spec will be discovered as interop is achieved, so these fixes will not be necessary once the implementation and validation phase is complete.


Pervasive use of versioned media types allow for different representations to be provided for the same resource. This allows the TROLIE 1.0 spec to be updated in the future efforts without breaking existing implementations. It also supports the Conformance program by providing granular delineation of the functionality supported by different implementations, supporting incremental conformance.

When 1.0.0 is declared, a new branch called 1.0 will become the main branch of, and the version number of the spec itself will be updated to 1.0.0 in a commit that is tagged 1.0.0. Subsequent updates to the 1.0 branch will update the spec version and be tagged accordingly.

If future maintainers should choose to depart from the versioning strategy in this decision, they should create a new branch (e.g. 2.0) or a new repository entirely. Implementors of TROLIE 1.0 can be confident that the HEAD of the 1.0 branch will be tagged with the API version that represents the culmination of the project’s scope.